Just Stuff From Marsh

A little of this a little of that..lots of photographs I hope you enjoy them..

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Problems vs. Issues

Unless you have an ax to grind with some one or about something its difficult to just sit down at a keyboard and type some thing that will be of interest to many people. Little by little I am learning how this special blog works, but just when I think I have it learned some ISSUE pops up.. Now about that word ISSUE....since the electronic age started that word has taken the place of the old but muched used word PROBLEM... There are no PROBLEMS any more, there are ISSUES... I first heard that used when I called COMCAST CABLE about a PROBLEM I was having with my internet connection. I said to the young man my cable connection keeps going down" "Oh he said we shall see if I can remedy that ISSUE "[ to me it was a PROBLEM and when it goes down it will continue to be a PROBLEM, but to 'techies" is an ISSUE..he If used the word ISSUE once he used it a dozen times in our not to long conservation. I told him I dont care what you call it I want it fixed. "We dont say fixed, we say REMIDIED", the chap said. "We shall try with all our knowledge to REMEDY your ISSUE..." I shouldnt complain, because he spoke English and didnt mumble, which I find rare in calling for help to REMEDY ISSUES.. Some day when I am in a "snit" I will write a thing about "out Sourcing Jobs to Foreign countries.. So until the next time I shall say Ciao, and take care of your- selves...


Blogger Marsh said...

This post looks good to me Marsh but I am bias...take care..

April 07, 2006 5:42 PM  

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